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Official Travel Agent:​


Buenos Aires is the capital city of Argentina, one of the biggest Latin American cities and a cosmopolitan metropolis. This complex, energetic, and seductive port city, which stretches south-to-north along the Rio de la Plata, has been the gateway to Argentina for centuries.​

This is a city characterized by the multiplicity of its artistic expressions, ranging from the great assortment of sculptures and monuments to streets and corners that surprise the visitor with their allegorical reliefs and murals.
The city’s museums, art galleries and theaters bear witness to its reputation as one of the most important cities in the Americas for its cultural and artistic activities. Although it is a modern city with imposing turn-of-the-century European-style buildings, it also has some well-preserved districts of typical colonial architecture.



For many travelers Argentina’s natural beauties are the main attraction of this country: from the deserts in the North to the magnificent desolation of Patagonia in the South, and from the impressive Iguazú Falls in the North-East to the majesty of the Andes Mountains in the West. In the center of this picture is Buenos Aires, its capital, and a fabulous city, known by its sophistication.

One of the most outstanding characteristics of Argentina is its population, of mainly immigrant origin, that has preserved its European cultural traits during the transposition to the New World.

Ana Juan Congresos y Turismo

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